CLC may be right for you if you:
Want to learn more about personal prayer?
Search for further integration of your faith life and daily living?
Need guidance in how to reflect on your daily experiences?
Seek a process for learning God's will for you in your every day life?
Desire to share your own experience of God with others who share common desires and needs?
Want to hear others tell their faith stories?
Feel called to bring about God's Kingdom of peace, justice and love?
Personally commit to an Ignatian way of life;
Maintain a regular prayer life;
Use discernment in all aspects of life;
Follow a strong sacramental life especially the Eucharist.
Be committed to being a person of mission or service, a person for others;
Incorporate faith sharing with other members by listening respectfully to each other in a nonjudgmental atmosphere;
Be an agent of change in their own life's context.