We encourage everyone to use this calendar to pray for victims of environmental disasters who
are forced to flee, making them prime targets of sex
and labor trafficking.
We are excited for you to attend the 2024 National Assembly with us in Cleveland, Ohio on July 25 - 28, 2024. This event will only be open to participants ages 18 year of age and older.
In preparation, the Assembly Program Team is asking each local community to spend a meeting (maybe two) with the prayer materials posted on our CLC in USA website. We also invite each community to create a visual image for the assembly that communicates how the HOLY SPIRIT has been working in your CLC group.
As we Deepen, Share, and Go Forth as CLC, let's up our game this Season of Creation 2023 in concert with the universal church in responding to Pope Francis & Christ's invitations to be co-laborers in care of all creation!!
Pope Francis looks ahead to the Season of Creation, which begins on 1 September with the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation and concludes on the feast of St Francis of Assisi, 4 October, and announces the publication of his eagerly awaited follow-up to "Laudato si'."
All are invited to participate by ZOOM in the all-community Christian Life Community St. Ignatius Day Mass which will be held on Saturday, July 29 at 7:30 pm ET.
This upcoming symposium scheduled for June 3-4 and hosted by the Pneuma Institute and the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary may be of interest to CLC members who serve as guides and/or spiritual directors, as well as those who would like to explore links between the Spiritual Exercises and current psychosocial understandings of trauma. For more information: Soul Trauma: Personal, Interpersonal, Communal
For this year's World CLC Day celebration, we focused on the question "How do I find myself deepening in a commitment to God and to the CLC way of life?"
On January 26, 2022 the Integral Ecology Working Group (IEWG) hosted an inspiring, dynamic webinar: Journey to COP 26 UN Climate Conference & Next Step presented by Ann Marie Brennan, a CLC member from the New York region currently serving as CVX-CLC World Vice President. Approximately 95 participants joined Ann Marie as she shared her insights and experience of being a delegate to this important climate conference. Here’s a video recording of the webinar that we hope will be a useful resource for CLC members and groups. Opening & Closing Prayers are included [00:54 & 51:25] with small group prompts as well [40:24]. https://clc-usa.org/journey-to-cop-26
About a dozen CLC members from CLC-USA and four from CLC-Canada recently assisted in the training over 250 Facilitators and Note-takers in preparation for the upcoming parish and school Synod listening sessions. The Trenton Diocese training program was created and led by Prof. Bob Choiniere of Fordham University who is a CLC member at St.Francis Xavier parish in NYC, with assistance from Christine Cichello of Boston College CLC and Ann Marie Brennan of Metro NY CLC.
Brad Hinze is the Karl Rahner, S.J., Professor of Theology at Fordham University. He has written books and articles that examine synodality, diocesan synods, synods of bishops, and parish councils. He has been in Christian Life Community with his wife, Christine, for 40 years. Click on the blue heading text to view Brad's presentation.
CLC joined with EcoJesuit and the Jesuit Missions UK to participate in the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow Scotland. Click on the blue header text to check out the brief video from Ann Marie Brennan, VP of World CVX-CLC and Promoter of CLC for Metro NY CLC in the USA. Ann Marie also hiked the 52 mile Jesuit Missions pilgrimage from Edinburgh to Glasgow to highlight the impact of climate change on the most vulnerable and those on the margins, especially migrants.